The ozone layer is made up of a molecule containing three oxygen molecules. Playing an important role in absorbing radiation from the sun. Protecting us from ultra violet rays. Without an ozone layer these rays would effect humans with non-melanoma skin cancer, as well as damaging plant life, marine life, and animal life. Ozone molecules destroy and create at a stable rate, but when in contact with certain man made chemicals. Ozone molecules are being destroyed faster than they are being produced, creating a hole in the ozone.

CFC's, once considered a miracle substance, is one of the major chemicals breaking down ozone molecules. Breaking ozone molecules down at a rate of 100,000 to 1. CFC is a chemical used in the cooling process, or refrigeration process of man made objects. Car's air conditionings release these CFC's, and appropriate precautions are not being taking to deplete the amount of CFC's in America today The disposal and production of car hurts the environment in two ways, adding CFC's to the atmosphere and creating landfills for tires. In the production of cars, CFC's are entered into the car system. Releasing small amounts of CFC's into the atmosphere, but it only takes a small amount of CFC's to do a good amount of damage. CFC's are also released during the life of the car, and released once again in the destruction of cars. Tires also damage the environment because tires are not biodegradable, and usually discarded in a tire dump. Most tires are sent to dumps or landfills were they must be monitored, in case of a fire breaking out. No one is really sure of the damages done from a tire fire, but they can never be put out. Tires can burn for decades, releasing smoke and haze into our environment. To deal with a burning fire they must be buried, this does not extinguish the fire; it just covers it up. From that point the tire burns within. These landfills also create problems because of the amount of disease spread from the large amount of insect populations growing in these tires. These tire dumps are not a very nice setting and cause much of a threat to humans.
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